Monday, August 20, 2012

leibster award. ish.

so... guys... we got the Liebster Award from Lizzy of Pretty Modest. wooohooo.
so. there are 6 rules for the award:

1) Each person must list 11 things about themselves.
2) Answer the 11 questions that the tagger has set for you PLUS you MUST create 11 questions of your own for the 11 people you will nominate with this award.
3) Choose up to 11 bloggers linking them to your post.
4) Go to their page and inform them of the nomination.
5) Absolutely NO tag backs.
6) Remember to ONLY tag bloggers with less than 200 followers

except I'm only going to follow the first one. and half of the second one.  I'm sorry. I'm such a rebel. but it's because I don't really read that many blogs, so I don't really have 11 to tag. plus I don't want to think of 11 questions. plus I think you guys should get to know us a little better... through the questions. yep. that's why I'm breaking the rules. no offense meant. I really do like all of you!

so here we go. 11 things about marvelous tamsyn:

1. I love foreign accents. so much that I basically speak in a british accent in my head 24/7. if you have a non-american accent, you are automatically my friend... haha :)
2. history is my favorite thing to learn about.
3. you know that crayon color that no one knows how to pronounce? cerulean or whatever? that is my favorite color.
4. I am waaay obsessed with harry potter. it's not even funny.
5. one of my biggest pet peeves is when clothes shrink. it. is. so. annoying. JUST PREWASH THE STUPID FABRIC.
6. I think kittens are the most adorable things on this planet. totes.
7. I play the piano. beatifully. ha.
8. I have an irrational fear of tornadoes. I live in utah. it doesn't even make sense.
9. my favorite food group is fruit. I love fruit.
10. I want to learn to surf. it's on my bucket list.
11. I'm 5'11 and I don't play sports. but... I wish I played volleyball.

now for Lizzy's questions!

1. What is your favorite movie?
I love love love movies. I have tons of favorites. but at this moment, it is probably fantastic mr. fox. it is excellent. just excellent.

2. If you could have a super power what would you choose?
I would choose to be invisible so I could stalk people. ha ha ha. just kidding.
I would actually love to be able to teleport! then I could travel the world and see tons of exciting things without the long plane rides and loads of money and stuff. that would be so. cool.

3. What your favorite season?
I don't even know. probably summer. because it's when my best memories are made. but I really don't mind any of them. except sometimes I get sick of snow.

4. What food could you live without?
mushrooms. enough said.

5. Whats your favorite clothing brand?
hmmm. probably h&m. It's an awesome store.

6. Would you rather live were there is lots of Snow or Sun?
sun. as long as there are shady trees. and air conditioning. and sunscreen. I don't want cancer.

7. Leggings or tights?
TIGHTS. fo sho. i'm obsessed remember?

8. What is your favorite fast food place?
subway. eat fresh.

9. What is most important to you?
my family and my church!

10: If you could change anything about yourself what would it be?
I would be less lazy. that is a major issue of mine. it's ridiculous actually. I need some motivation! man in the mirror! there we go.

11. Do you like salt and vinegar chips?
I don't really know. I eat them. and I keep eating them. so I guess, yeah? sure. I like them.

that was forever long. I apologize.

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